#COVIDArthritis Twitter chat a success
We were pleased to see such a great turnout for our latest Twitter chat co-hosted by CAPA Board Member Michael Kuluva and Creaky Joints. It’s been a difficult few months for people living with arthritis so the chat focused on the ‘lighter side’ of the pandemic to bring you laughs and smiles. Check out the conversation on Twitter searching the hashtag #COVIDArthritis and visit our website to view the results.
What have we been up to?
Help shape conversation with rheumatologist Dr. Janet Pope – CAPA Board member, Michael Kuluva, had a conversation with rheumatologist Dr. Janet Pope about living with arthritis during COVID-19. Michael lives with rheumatoid arthritis and asks questions about continuing to take medications, going outside, what to do if you have a flare, and taking care of yourself. Watch the video on our YouTube channel!
Updated COVID-19 web page – We are regularly updating the COVID-19 web page on our website with new information. Visit the COVID-19 information resources to stay up to date!
Drug shortages survey – Together with the Canadian Spondylitis Association, we are teaming up to better understand any issues Canadians living with inflammatory arthritis conditions are experiencing accessing medications and services. Please complete the short survey that will help us share your lived experiences with Health Canada and health ministers!
This Mother’s Day: let’s focus on Moms with disabilities – To celebrate Mother’s Day, our 2nd Vice-President, Laurie Proulx, co-authored an article on Moms living with disabilities. The article highlights how governments and researchers need to collect data on pregnant women with disabilities to better design programs and services to support them. Read the article on Healthy Debate to learn more!
Arthritis community mobilized during the pandemic – The pandemic brought many changes and it’s important to celebrate some of the positive ones. Read this article from 1st Vice-President, Dawn Richards, about how she saw the arthritis community come together in a crisis!
Are intensive care triage protocols harming the disabled? – Much of the COVID-19 pandemic messaging focuses on protecting the vulnerable but efforts may have the opposite effect. Lene Anderson, Emily Sirotich and Laurie Proulx, wrote this article for the British Medical Journal on how triage protocols set a dangerous precedent and impact trust in the healthcare system.
Get Involved!
UNIFIED COVID-19 study – Researchers at the University of British Columbia want to better understand how COVID-19 has affected people living with rheumatic conditions. You may qualify for the study if you are over 18, have been diagnosed with rheumatic disease and can communicate in English. Understanding these challenges will help doctors and decision-makers make care better during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Learn more about the study by visiting their website!
Side effects research study – Arthritis medications benefit many of us but they can also have side effects. A research team at the University of Calgary wants to develop a complete list of medication side effects experienced by people living with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Contribute to advancing the understanding of medication side effects by taking the survey today!
Share your input on Chronic Pain – The Canadian Pain Task Force is consulting Canadians and wants to understand your experiences of living with chronic pain. Anyone with an interest in pain is encouraged to share their input by May 29. Feel free to share on social media with the hashtag #TakingActionOnPain!
Stay Informed!
An introduction to clinical trials – We’ve been working with Clinical Trials Ontario, along with other patient organizations and health charities, to develop information resources about clinical trials. We have co-developed an Introduction to Clinical Trials resource that is easy to understand – check it out on our website today!
Podcast on pain and the pandemic – The current public health emergency has created a challenging situation for most people, but it is especially difficult for people who already live with complex health conditions like chronic pain. CAPA President, Linda Wilhelm, shared how COVID-19 is impacting her ability to manage pain, well-being and other aspects of daily life. Listen to the podcast today!
Resource on public drug plans – If you’ve lost your job because of the pandemic, you might eligible for reimbursement of medications through government drug plans (or public drug plans). We have developed a resource to provide basic information on public drug plans and where to find information. Visit our website to learn about your options.
Spondylarthritis and COVID-19 – The Canadian Spondylitis Association held a webinar with Spondyloarthritis experts to provide an update on COVID-19 and living with inflammatory illness. Learn about the importance of remaining active and mental and physical health – listen to the webinar today!
Website and social media updates – We are regularly updating our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube channel with new information. Don’t forget to follow us on these social media channels to keep up to date on the latest arthritis and advocacy information!