Let’s Celebrate the World Arthritis Day!
October 12th is World Arthritis Day and patients around the world are celebrating together. We have teamed up with CreakyJoints in the United States and Australia to bring you special content. You can read the time capsules from people with arthritis around the world (including Chronic Eileen From Canada!) and and learn what it’s like to live with arthritis during the pandemic from a global perspective. Consider joining us on social media this #WorldArthritisDay to raise awareness about arthritis!
What have we been up to?
Webinar on the Disability Tax Credit – We are pleased to invite you to a free webinar to learn about the Disability Tax Credit (DTC). Join us on Saturday, October 24th, 2020 at 1 p.m. EDT to learn about the DTC directly from a Canada Revenue Agency representative. Register today for this FREE webinar and learn how this government program can help you and your family!
#ArthritisThenNow Twitter chat – On September 26, we discussed how arthritis treatments and health outcomes have changed over the last twenty years. It was a great discussion and we had over 40 people participate registering over 4 million impressions on Twitter. Learn more about the results on our website!
Fashion show a success! Did you miss out on all the fun with the virtual fashion show? It’s not too late to take in the latest fashions. Kick back and watch the recording from the comfort of your couch!
Virtual Board planning meeting – The CAPA Board usually meets in-person every year to plan our activities but the pandemic had other things in mind for us! We met virtually on September 18 to discuss our strategic priorities for 2021. We took a picture so you can see who is working behind the scenes for the arthritis community!
Get Involved!
PainFall survey – Do you live with chronic pain and had a fall in the last year? A research team at Queen’s University invite you to complete a survey to learn about the circumstances and consequences of falls. Consider sharing your perspective today!
Celebrate Psoriatic Arthritis Awareness Day! National Psoriatic Awareness Day is recognized in Canada annually on October 19th and this is an opportunity to raise awareness of Psoriatic Arthritis. We invite you to take a short video of yourself or share your story or favourite picture. Learn more about this important day by visiting the Canadian Spondylitis Association website.
Study on physical activity for young people with JIA – Researchers at the University of Montreal are looking for young people living with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) as well as their parents for a study focused on promoting physical activity. The team is looking to interview study participants for about 2 hours and they will be provided with $10 gift certificate after each interview. Learn more about the study by visiting our website!
Survey on patient Information leaflets – Patient information leaflets often come with your medication and provide information about the medicine’s benefits and side effects. Patient-Focused Medicines Development is looking for your input to better understand patients’ needs and make improvements to the format and language of the leaflets. Consider providing your input and take the survey today!
Leisure activity and chronic disease – It’s not too late to participate in other research studies and get involved. There is a study on leisure activity and chronic disease and they are looking for adolescents with chronic illness to share their perspectives.
Stay Informed!
Sjogren’s Virtual Conference – The Sjögren’s Society will be holding their annual patient conference on October 17. The virtual conference will educate people and their families about Sjögren’s to help them manage the disease more effectively. To learn more about the conference and registration, please visit the conference website!
Uveitis and Juvenile Arthritis – Cassie & Friends will be hosting a webinar on uveitis associated with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis on October 24 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Dr. Alan Rosenberg will discuss where the inflammation occurs, the risks of the inflammation and treatments and the latest trends in uveitis research. Get informed and register today!
Webinars offered by the Canadian Spondylitis Association – Stay informed and consider registering for webinars on Psoriatic Arthritis and pain offered by the Canadian Spondylitis Association. The webinars are listed on their website and are updated regularly.
Website and social media updates – We are regularly updating our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube channel with new information. We developed COVID-19 information resources for people with arthritis and a video of CAPA Board member, Michael Kuluva, with Dr. Janet Pope. Don’t forget to follow us on these social media channels to keep up to date on the latest arthritis and advocacy information!