Early in 2024, we worked with two occupational therapy students from McMaster University to launch a survey to understand how people with arthritis use assistive devices and life hacks in daily life. We received close to 250 responses to the survey and the...
Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF), CreakyJoints Canada and the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA) have come together during September, Arthritis Awareness Month, to provide the inflammatory arthritis community with this tip sheet on how to best protect...
Do you have difficulties in cooking or living well with arthritis? Occupational therapy student, Bella Cairns, interviewed 14 people with arthritis and they provided their tips and advice on how they manage day to day cooking tasks and live well with arthritis. Learn...
Many people that live with arthritis understand the invisible or hidden parts of living with the disease – for example, pain that limits shopping and other activities of daily living or fatigue that affects how long they can stand or work. On June 1, 2023. Dr. Dorothy...
Together with Dragon Claw, an Australian charity for people with Autoimmune Inflammatory diseases, CAPA have developed a new resource for people with arthritis called “Know your Numbers”. This new resource outlines a list of blood tests regularly used in people with...
On October 12, 2022, CAPA celebrated World Arthritis Day in our first-ever Twitter Spaces event about navigating the workplace with arthritis. It was a collaborative event that brough together Take a Pain Check Foundation, Creaky Joints Canada, and CAPA. The event was...