Links To More Resources

Models of Care

High quality models of inflammatory arthritis care that are evidence informed and reinforced by best practices.

Website     Download PDF


Information about arthritis, including medications, compiled by Dr. Andy Thompson, a Canadian rheumatologist, for patients and healthcare professionals.


Canada Revenue Agency

A series of videos that explain Tax Measures for Persons with Disabilities.


Other Organizations

The Arthritis Society

Working closely with CAPA, is Canada’s principal health charity providing education, programs and support to the over 4.6 million Canadians living with arthritis, and also fund arthritis research to reach the vision to live in a world where people are free from the devastating effects that arthritis has on lives.


Cassie and Friends

Our mission is to transform the lives of kids and families affected by Juvenile Arthritis (JA) and other rheumatic diseases. Founded by determined parents, youth and doctors, we’ve raised over $2 million for life-changing research, advocacy, equipment, education and child and family support programs.


Arthritis Alliance of Canada

Formed in 2002 (formerly the Alliance for the Canadian Arthritis Program (ACAP)), the AAC brings together more than 35 member organizations, including arthritis health care professionals, researchers, funding agencies, governments, voluntary sector agencies, industry and, most importantly, representatives from arthritis consumer organizations from across Canada with a goal to improve the lives of Canadians living with arthritis.


Arthritis Broadcast Network

Led by Arthritis Consumer Experts and the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada, this is a multi-media platform for the arthritis community to share news, information and stories about living well with arthritis.


Arthritis Patient Advisory Board of the Arthritis Research Canada

Volunteer advocates with arthritis who bring personal experience and arthritis knowledge to research decision making at Arthritis Research Canada (ARC), ensuring the patient perspective is represented on research matters related to prevention, treatment and self-management of arthritis.


Bone and Joint Canada

Canadian division of the Global Alliance of Musculoskeletal Health, is a knowledge translation network of people who have an interest in the management of conditions affecting bones and joints and who, through partnerships with health care providers committed to the management of people presenting with musculoskeletal disorders, have developed a network approach to improving system performance and patient care.


Canadian Arthritis Network

A Network of Centre of Excellence funded by the federal Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program from 1998 to 2012, brought the arthritis research community together around a new culture of multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary arthritis research and training that included people living with arthritis (consumers) to develop meaningful solutions in arthritis. Now the CAN Legacy Website is a repository of tools and information for stakeholders to continue excellence in arthritis research and training.


Canadian Rheumatology Association

National professional association for Canadian rheumatologists with a mission to represent Canadian rheumatologists and promote the pursuit of excellence in arthritis and rheumatic disease care, education and research.


Canadian Skin Patient Alliance

National non-profit organization by patients for patients, a resource and community for Canadians living with skin conditions, disorders and traumas, providing balanced, vetted information, support and advocacy for skin patients and their families.


Canadian Spondylitis Association

National, non-profit, patient association formed to support and to advocate for those suffering from ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, and associated spondyloarthritis diseases. CSA is a member of the Arthritis Alliance of Canada and works closely with the Spondyloarthritis Research Consortium of Canada on patient education.



Developed by Arthritis Consumer Experts (ACE) which is a national, patient-led organization that provides free, up to date science-based information and education programs about all aspects of the most common and rarer forms of arthritis in both official languages to people with arthritis.


Show Us Your Hands!

Show Us Your Hands! is an international non-profit awareness organization for inflammatory arthritis. They are dedicated to showing the world the strength, beauty, and capability of people who live with inflammatory arthritis. The goal is to contribute in a positive way, to build connections in the community, and to help those who live with these diseases to focus on all the joy there is in life.


Take a Pain Check!

Take a Pain Check Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to the mission and vision of supporting youth and young adults with rheumatic diseases through social media, initiatives, advocacy, and raising awareness. 


When you live with arthritis,
information is your most important tool.

The Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA) works with various groups in the arthiritis community to ensure the voice of people living with arthritis is heard and to bring you up-to-date information on issues that affect the arthritis community. We work with healthcare professionals, health organizations, clinicians, industry, health charities, researchers, and various levels of government.

We keep Canadian people living with arthritis and their support groups understand more about their disease and have a voice in managing it.

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