CAPA regularly updates this page on biosimilars (previously called subsequent entry biologics or SEBs). Below is our position paper and video to help you understand this type of medication.

CAPA’s Video on Biosimilars

We have created the video below to help explain the different types of medications you may take to manage your arthritis. We encourage you to ask your healthcare providers questions about your medications to help you best manage your arthritis.



CAPA believes biosimilars are another important treatment option for patients, and we’ve explained the major differences between small molecule, biologic, and biosimilar drugs, too.

CAPA’s Position on Biosimilars 

Given that the data on biosimilars continues to increase as more come on the market, CAPA has updated its biosimilar position paper as of September 2019, and it can be found in English and French cliquez ici and below.

Here is a link to information on Health Canada’s website about biosimilars. If you’d like to read more about terms and the regulations on biosimilars, click cliquez ici.


IAPO Biosimilar Toolkit

CAPA is a member of IAPO (the International Association of Patient Organizations), and IAPO has developed a lot of very good, easy to understand information on biosimilars. Explore the IAPO Biosimilar Toolkit.

New Research on Projected Impact of Biosimilar Substitution Policies on Drug Use and Costs

A biosimilar is a drug that is highly similar and has no clinically meaningful differences to an innovator biologic that has already been authorized for sale, but with a significantly lower price. The Ontario Drug Policy Research Network (ODPRN) conducted a cross-sectional time series analysis (study) using real-world data in Ontario to estimate the number of patients potentially impacted by different biosimilar policy options and the cost implications of these policies. Three people with lived experience using biologics participated in the study team, including CAPA’s Vice-President Laurie Proulx. You can read the full manuscript in the Canadian Medical Association Journal website and view a one page infographic about the study on the ODPRN website.


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