Learning About Arthritis

CAPA Pain Talks

CAPA Pain Talks

CAPA presents Pain Talks with Linda Wilhelm and Eileen Davidson sharing their experiences with and managing chronic pain. Watch these videos to learn what they say.

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Limited Mobility Disabilites Webinar

Limited Mobility Disabilites Webinar

Many people that live with arthritis understand the invisible or hidden parts of living with the disease – for example, pain that limits shopping and other activities of daily living or fatigue that affects how long they can stand or work. On June 1, 2023. Dr. Dorothy...

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#ArthritisThenNow Successful Twitter Chat!

#ArthritisThenNow Successful Twitter Chat!

CAPA hosted #ArthritisThenNow Twitter Chat on Saturday, September 26, 2020. The chat was well-attended and had some great discussions about how arthritis treatment, care, and the experience have changed or stayed the same over the past few decades with...

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What You Need to Know About Inflammatory Arthritis

What You Need to Know About Inflammatory Arthritis

This resource is part of a number of projects under the theme of TEAM (Together Enhancing Arthritis Management). Become familiar with 3 different types of inflammatory arthritis: Ankylosing Spondylitis Psoriatic Arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis Learn about arthritis and...

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Medications to Treat Inflammatory Arthritis

Medications to Treat Inflammatory Arthritis

This resource is part of a number of projects under the theme of TEAM (Together Enhancing Arthritis Management). By the end of the session, you will: Understand the goals of treatment in inflammatory arthritis Understand the role of medications in treating...

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Arthritis in the Workplace

#ArthritisAtWork Twitter Chat a Success!

#ArthritisAtWork Twitter Chat a Success!

CAPA hosted a Twitter Chat on arthritis in the work place on Saturday, October 12, 2019, to correspond to World Arthritis Day. The chat was well-attended and we had some great discussions about #ArthritisAtWork with co-host Simon Stones and special guest, Creaky...

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Youth and Young Adults with Rheumatic Disease

Resources By Youth, for Youth with Arthritis

Resources By Youth, for Youth with Arthritis

In January 2024, Take a Pain Check (TAPC) and the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA) teamed up to create a Youth Committee composed of youth and young adults with lived experience of arthritis. The committee's goal was to share their knowledge and experience...

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Youth and Young Adults with Rheumatic Disease

Youth and Young Adults with Rheumatic Disease

In September 2022, we launched a survey to better understand the needs of youth and young adults with rheumatic disease. The “Make Rheum for Youth” project was a collaboration with Take a Pain Check Foundation, a youth led organization with a goal of empowering youth...

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Caring for and Growing a Family

Pregnancy and Parenting Webinars

Pregnancy and Parenting Webinars

We know arthritis affects people at any age and can have an impact on reproductive health and being a parent. To better support people with arthritis, we held two webinars about pregnancy and parenting with arthritis. This educational series was part of a...

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Supporting People with Disabilities in Pregnancy, Labour and Delivery, and Postpartum: Resources for Public Health Nurses

Supporting People with Disabilities in Pregnancy, Labour and Delivery, and Postpartum: Resources for Public Health Nurses

Researchers at the University of Toronto and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health created this resource based on findings from a National Institutes of Health funded study on the perinatal health and health care experiences of women with physical, sensory, and intellectual/developmental disabilities in Ontario, Canada. The study advisory committee, which includes women and parents with disabilities, provided feedback on this resource.

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#ArthritisParent Twitter Chat Results

#ArthritisParent Twitter Chat Results

On September 26, 2018, CAPA hosted a Twitter Chat on arthritis and pregnancy/parenting. #ArthritisParent was a first for CAPA. The results of Twitter Chat were analyzed and presented in a poster at the Canadian Rheumatology Association conference.

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Gérer la vie quotidienne

How to Manage the Forthcoming Cold and Flu Season

How to Manage the Forthcoming Cold and Flu Season

Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF), CreakyJoints Canada and the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance (CAPA) have come together during September, Arthritis Awareness Month, to provide the inflammatory arthritis community with this tip sheet on how to best protect...

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Limited Mobility Disabilites Webinar

Limited Mobility Disabilites Webinar

Many people that live with arthritis understand the invisible or hidden parts of living with the disease – for example, pain that limits shopping and other activities of daily living or fatigue that affects how long they can stand or work. On June 1, 2023. Dr. Dorothy...

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Giving Patients Control: New Resource “Know Your Numbers & Trends”

Donner le contrôle aux patients : nouvelle ressource « Connaissez vos chiffres et leurs tendances »

En collaboration avec Dragon Claw, un organisme de bienfaisance australien pour les personnes atteintes de maladies inflammatoires auto-immunes, l’ACA a développé une nouvelle ressource pour les personnes atteintes d’arthrite appelée « Connaissez vos chiffres ». Cette nouvelle ressource décrit une liste de tests sanguins régulièrement utilisés chez les personnes atteintes d’arthrite auto-immune et d’autres bilans de santé comme la pression artérielle, la densité minérale osseuse, etc. Vous trouverez également une liste aide-mémoire que vous pourrez imprimer et utiliser pour vos rendez-vous avec un rhumatologue ou un médecin de famille. La ressource a été examinée médicalement par le comité consultatif médical de l’ACA et d’autres médecins de Dragon Claw comme Dr Daniel Lewis, Dr Peter Bell, Dre Barbara Schumacher et Dre Kathleen Kett. Veuillez lire notre communiqué de presse et restez à l’affût pour d’autres actions visant à partager cette nouvelle ressource bilingue avec la communauté des patients.

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Lorsque vous vivez avec l’arthrite,
l’information est votre outil le plus important.

L’Alliance canadienne des arthritiques (ACA) travaille avec divers groupes du milieu de l’arthrite pour s’assurer que la voix des personnes atteintes d’arthrite est entendue et pour vous mettre à jour sur les questions qui touchent la communauté de l’arthrite. Nous travaillons avec des professionnels de la santé, des organismes de santé, des cliniciens, l’industrie, des organismes de bienfaisance dans le domaine de la santé, des chercheurs et divers paliers de gouvernement.

Nous aidons la population canadienne atteinte d’arthrite et leurs groupes de soutien à mieux comprendre leur maladie et à intervenir dans sa gestion.

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